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Christine Anderson (Bedney)
Sharon Barlow
Don Bulver
Sharon Christensen (Naylor)
Bev Conelly (Simon)
Ken Dinse
Jerry Dornquast
Mary Emmons (Timm)
James Enzenauer
Jim Fette
Dorthy Grubish (Jackel)
Ron Jacobson
Don Janke
Barb Jensen (Lowell)
Joel Jensen
Jan Johnson (Mattson)
Bob Jorgens
Carol Jurgensen (Slattery)
Mike Keefe
Marie Krause (Radel)
Kathrine Kriesel
Nancy Kuchenbecker (Laitala)
Diane J. Leonhardi (Andersen)
Carolyn Lortz (Jorgenson)
John Lustig (Tcslats@ao…)
Bob Masche
Don Matejcek
Sharon McClintock (Johnson)
Patricia Miller (Jorgensen)
Sandra Miller (Blenkush)
Sandy Minske (Spinler)
Karen Nuszloch (Altstadt)
Bill Pagel
Carol Pike (Hilpert)
Joyce Pirkl (Perkins)
Liz Pobanz (Lewis)
Dixie Richardson (Vavrichek)
Mary Lou Ringhofer (Johnson)
Nancy Schimanski (Selle)
Shelby Schroeder (Schull)
Linda Smith
Roberta Smith (Cherry)
Margaret Steele (Johnson)
James Uecker (James Uecker)
Roger Vogt
Dave Wavrin